"In a world in which men write thousands of books and one million scientific papers a year, the mythic bricoleur is the man
 who plays with all that information and hears a music inside the noise."-William Irwin Thompson


ot." "How I wish that somewhere...
there existed an island...
for those who are wise...
and of goodwill!
In such a place even I...
would be an ardent patriot" ...
Albert Einstein



"Inquire Within Upon Everything"
(click here)

To the imagination of contemporaries the Pharos became Alexandria and Alexandria became the Pharos.  Never, in the history of architecture, has a secular building been thus worshipped and taken on a spiritual life of its own. It beaconed to the imagination, not only to ships at sea, and long after its light was extinguished ...memories of it glowed in the minds of men."
   E.M. Forster
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Mike Mahone   Author
"What a great idea! I really like the idea of your site. An island of sanity is truly what we need. (It'll  also be great for me to find good reads.")
David Bodanis Author
Dear Scholarisland
Thank you!  I am sure many of the Library users will appreciate using this database
Best Regards
Layla Abdelhady Chief Librarian Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Dear Allan Armstrong

I have seen your site (briefly) and think the collection offers much 'food for thought'. Since the Library of Alexandria also aims to be a place of dialogue and debate for "scrutiny of many apparently conflicting systems of statement, as sort of clearing house of misunderstanding' it can give ample ideas for thought useful in many programs for us as well as others."

Laila Dowidar Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Hi Allan--Great Website!
Mark Pendergrast  Author





Allan's Invention..Click truck picture to see Allan's  Invention


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